German English Dictionary

Explore German English Dictionary, list words start with G


g, seventh letter of the German alphabet

g Druck

G force

G Dur

G major, major scale based on the note of G

G Moll

G minor, minor scale based on the note of G


Ga, gallium, rare metallic element


gave, gave

gab an

showed off, boast, made an impression, exaggerated, overstated, made to seem greater or more important than it really is

gab auf

gave up, abandon, cease doing an activity, was disheartened, conceded, rejected

gab aus

handed out, gave out, distributed, allocated, scattered, dispersed, circulated

gab das Geheimnis preis

revealed the secret, told the secret, disclosed the secret

gab Daten ein


gab den Anschein

made believe, pretended, played an imaginative game, faked, feigned

gab den Ball weiter

passed the ball, transferred the ball, passed the buck

gab den Geist auf


gab den Löffel ab

departed this world, died, passed away, is deceased

gab den Ton an

led the way, guided or conducted at the head of, gave the tone

gab der Versuchung nach

yielded to the temptation, gave in to the temptation, gave in to the enticement

gab die Brust

gave the breast, nursed a baby

gab die Hand seiner Tochter zur Heirat frei

giving his daughter's hand in marriage, allowing his daughter to get married, giving his daughter away in marriage

gab die Höchststrafe

judged severely, punished him severely, gave him a harsh sentence, judged harshly

gab die Hoffnung auf

lost hope, had no hope left, his expectations were destroyed

gab die Sahne unter der Obhut der Katze

put the cat in charge of the cream, placed someone in a tempting situation which he couldn't resist, made a wrong decision

gab die Wahrheit zu

admitted the truth, confessed the truth, acknowledged the truth

gab ein Beispiel

served as a model, was used as an example

gab ein Heilmittel

granted a remedy, provided relief, gave a medication

gab ein Inserat auf

put an ad, placed an advertisement in the paper, delivered an announcement

gab ein Klistier

gave an enema, injected liquid into a person's rectum to cleanse the bowels

gab ein Urteil

delivered a judgement, gave a verdict, drew a judgment, wrote a verdict

gab ein Urteil ab

delivered a judgement, gave a verdict

gab eine Anordnung

gave an order, commanded

German is a West Germanic language spoken by about 100 million people worldwide. It is the official language of Germany, Austria, and parts of Switzerland. It has four cases for nouns, pronouns, and adjectives (nominative, accusative, genitive, and dative), and it has three grammatical genders (masculine, feminine, and neutral). German vocabulary includes many loanwords from Latin, Greek, and other languages.

English is a West Germanic language of the Indo-European language family, with its earliest forms spoken by the inhabitants of early medieval England. It is the most widely spoken language in the world today, with approximately 1.5 billion people speaking it as a native language. English is also the official language of many countries, such as the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. English is also commonly used as a lingua franca in other countries, such as India, Pakistan, and South Africa.

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