German English Dictionary

Explore German English Dictionary, list words start with J, page: 17

jeder hat sein Bündel zu tragen

everybody has his cross to bear

jeder hat seine Stunde

every dog has his day, everyone has some good luck in his life, every man has his hour

jeder ist sich selbst der Nächste

it is every man for himself

jeder kehre vor seiner Tür

everybody should set his own house in order

jeder Krämer lobt seine Ware

everyone thinks what he's doing is important

jeder nach seinem Geschmack

every man to his taste, each person has a right to his own preferences

jeder ohne Ausnahme

everybody without exception, all the world and his wife, each and every one, every single person, every solitary individual

jeder Pfennig hilft

every little helps, any contribution or aid makes a difference, every little bit helps

jeder spricht darüber

on everybody's tongue, being discussed by everyone, talked about by many people

jeder Stein der hochkommt fällt auch wieder herunter

go up like a rocket and come down like a stick, from the peak of prosperity to the depths of despair

jeder und jeden

each and every one, every single person, every solitary individual

jeder und seine eigenen Sorgen

we all have our cross to bear, every person has problems

jeder von euch

all of you, every one of you

jeder von uns

all of us, each of us, every one of us

jeder weiß dass

everyone knows that, it is common knowledge that, it is well known that

jeder Zweite

every second, every other






anytime, everytime, at all times, at any time

jederzeit verfügbares Guthaben

fluid savings, savings that can be quickly converted to cash, funds that have not yet been permanently invested


every, each

jedes der


jedes Ende ist auch ein Anfang

an end is always a new beginning, life goes on, an end signifies only new possibilities

jedes halbe Jahr

every six months, twice a year, bi-annual

jedes Jahr

every year, each year, year after year, annually, year in year out

jedes Land und seine Tradition

so many countries so many customs, every country has its own manner of doing things

jedes Lebewesen ist gleichberechtigt und frei

every being is equal and free, every living thing is equal to every other living thing and all are inherently free to do as they wish

jedes Mal

each time, every time, on every occasion that; whenever, at any time when, at any time

jedes Mal wenn

every time that, whenever something occurs

jedes Wort ist überflüßig

leave well enough alone, don't interfere, don't get involved

German is a West Germanic language spoken by about 100 million people worldwide. It is the official language of Germany, Austria, and parts of Switzerland. It has four cases for nouns, pronouns, and adjectives (nominative, accusative, genitive, and dative), and it has three grammatical genders (masculine, feminine, and neutral). German vocabulary includes many loanwords from Latin, Greek, and other languages.

English is a West Germanic language of the Indo-European language family, with its earliest forms spoken by the inhabitants of early medieval England. It is the most widely spoken language in the world today, with approximately 1.5 billion people speaking it as a native language. English is also the official language of many countries, such as the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. English is also commonly used as a lingua franca in other countries, such as India, Pakistan, and South Africa.

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